Expect the Unexpected


It’s Day 29  of the Get Stuff Done 1×31 Day Challenge. It’s hard to believe we’ve worked our way through 29 days of deliberately doing stuff we may or may not have thought about doing only a month ago.

Today’s challenge is to look back and write down three or more things you didn’t expect to accomplish but did this month. Yes, this is a both a feel good and a momentum building exercise to help you finish this challenge strong.

Has it been harder than you originally thought?  It’s been a challenge for me and I love to write!  I can’t imagine doing this in addition to my regularly scheduled life if it didn’t bring me joy or if the payoff was not worth the effort.

Last year during the challenge I decided to donate several items during a Fill the Truck campaign. Unfortunately, by the time I loaded up the items to take to the drop off location, the collection time was over.

Determined to drop off a car load of goods to someone in need, I found a homeless shelter that was happy to have my household items and blankets.

Since most of my things were for women and children, I had hoped to find to find a women’s shelter. As it turned out, when I arrived at the shelter, it was for men. Men who were hungry for a home cooked meal, some comfy blankets, and some kind words.

My initial apprehension quickly turned into admiration for these men who unloaded my car and continuously thanked me for all the items I dropped off. It humbled me and made me incredibly grateful for all I have and often take for granted.

And then things got interesting.

Bob and I stopped at a health food store on our way home where I found some fantastic greeting cards. One was perfect for my eating psychology coaching clients, so I emailed the owner of the company to see if I could order more. I mentioned that I was a writer as well and loved her creative card line.

The owner not only wrote me back but said she read my blog and wondered if I’d like to spend a few days in Miami Beach and try my hand at writing greeting cards.

I did not see that coming.

However, I totally embraced it, got on a plane to Miami Beach, and had the job offer of my dreams within 15 days of completing last year’s Get Stuff Done 1×31 Challenge.

The fascinating thing about the dream job was I hadn’t updated it in awhile. I never expected the fantasy job of getting to be a writer and live on the beach to need updating.

The unexpected reality was this. I was already living the dream

By working an ordinary job in an ordinary small town year after year, a different dream had taken shape.

In this dream I finally owned my own home, could afford to travel when I wanted, enjoyed the company of fabulous friends, regularly wrote whatever I wanted, walked my dog daily, and found a fireman to share it all with.

The great news is I got to write some cards and work with Cardthartic, one of the best card companies around. And I got to take stock of what I’ve got (See Day 15).

The most unexpected thing to happen in all of this was I decided to stay in Maquoketa,Iowa, of all places. Clearly not what I expected or anticipated ever choosing, if given the choice.

But a funny thing happens on the way to getting stuff done. New options open up.

This year it’s been all about welcoming new life into my world.  First with the fish tank. Second with the puppy.  And third with all of you.

My heart has expanded to twice its size this month. Thank you so much for reading and doing such an impressive job getting stuff done 1 x31.

As always, I’d love to hear what you accomplished or what unexpected things have happened to you this month it the comments below.

Here’s a sweet song for your playlist for today by Jamie Lawson.


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